Virtual telephone numbers from more than 60 countries. (
Call free (or really cheap) to many international destinations. (
WOWZA! VoiceBridge has just improved! You can now invite people to join your conference even when they are currently not connected to VoiceBridge.
When in a conference, just press 3 and follow the instructions. Let us know if you like this feature!
VoiceBridge is a free, international telephone conferencing service. We help you to save a lot of money on international, landline-to-mobile and mobile-to-mobile calls.
We provide you with local landline access numbers in more than 50 countries (and counting). These numbers are connected together as a telephone conferencing service. For example, let's say you are located in Germany. Just call our access number in Hannover and at the same time have your grandma in Russia call our access number in Moscow, then both of you simply join into the same conference room and speak with each other like you are used to. But with the advantage that both you and your grandma are only paying for a local landline call. VoiceBridge also helps you to save on national calls: calling from your landline or your mobile to another mobile is expensive? Simply dial the local landline access number and have the other party do the same and you're connected at the price of a regular landline call.
VoiceBridge is 100% FREE. No registration needed, no signing up required. You're only paying for the call to your local access number according to what your provider charges you. Our access numbers are in no way different than any other landline number worldwide, that means if you are in charge of a flat-rate plan for landlines in your country, then your call is completely free of charge! Both or all parties are in charge of a landline flat-rate plan in their country? All the better! Then no one pays a single cent.
Here's how it works:
1. Dial the access number for the country that you are currently located in.
2. The other party (or parties) dial(s) the access number in their country as well.
3. When prompted, type in a conference room number of your choice via your keypad, for example "123456" or "7788" or "5*5*5".
4. Hit the pound key (#) on your keypad to enter the conference room, or just wait a few seconds and you will be entered automatically.
5. Tell the other party (or parties) the number of the room that you have just created and have them join your conference. That's it!
There is no limit on the number of participants. You can have a chat with your grandma in Russia, father and mother in Sweden, sister and brother in Canada at the same time if you feel like it. While you are waiting for the other participant(s) to join your room we'll play some live internet radio for you.
VoiceBridge conferencing manual:
When in a conference you can hit the following keys on your keypad:
1 = Become moderator
2 = Check room number
9 = Call operator (a human being at VoiceBridge)
0 = Exit room (and create or join a new one)
* (star) = Enter user / moderator menu
User menu:
1 = Mute/unmute your microphone
4 = Decrease the volume of the conference (press multiple times, then exit with 8)
6 = Increase the volume of the conference (press multiple times, then exit with 8)
7 = Decrease your microphones volume (press multiple times, then exit with 8)
9 = Increase your microphones volume (press multiple times, then exit with 8)
8 = Return to room
Moderator menu:
2 = Lock/unlock room (no more participants allowed)
3 = Kick out the last participant that joined the room
8 = Return to room
HINT: If you are often speaking with the same people, just think of a unique room number that all of the participants will always join, for example "556677", and maybe even a specific time per day if you should speak on a daily basis. That way you don't have to always communicate a new room number.
HINT: Manually entering the room number can be time-consuming and annoying. Therefore, just join the conference room automatically with a small trick: simply enter a pause sign (p) between our access number and the room number. For example, on a Nokia mobile you would save our access number in Hannover like this: 0511809040201p556677# and voilà - you will join room 556677 automatically.